  1. t any idea what to buy for Mary’s birthday? M: Well, I’ll get her a new school bag and I promised to take her to a film. What about you? W: Oh, I haven’t decided yet. I’ll probably buy her that new music record as she likes it so much. 答案为B。 一般说来,细...
    2015.10.20 13:11:00
  2. t any idea what to buy for Mary’s birthday? M: Well, I’ll get her a new school bag and I promised to take her to a film. What about you? W: Oh, I haven’t decided yet. I’ll probably buy her that new music record as she likes it so much. 答案为B。 一般说来,细...
    2014.05.07 12:23:00
  3. 萍,现就读于中华中学高二(12)班 歌词: It's been a long time since we left Zhonghua 离开中华已经有些时日 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 We've come a long way from where we departed 回头凝望我们分别后走过的漫长...
    2020.04.03 14:43:00
  4. 成为在常高校首批创业讲师。常州工程职业技术学院还成为在常高校中唯一的大学生KAB创业教育基地。 据悉,KAB创业教育(英文名称为Know About Business)是一种由共青团中央、全国青年联合会与国际劳工组织共同开发的企业家精神教育项目,定位于大学生创业启蒙教育,强调课程结构的...
    2015.10.21 09:44:00
  5. 思想常常会走进狭隘的胡同里,只有虚心听从他人的意见,不断采纳别人的建议,完善自己的认识和理解,才能更好地将事情做好。   “海纳百川,有容乃大。”是我的座右铭,What about you?   泰兴市襟江小学银杏花文学社南校区四(3)班社员 金耀阳   指导老师 吴宏祥 ...
    2015.11.26 13:16:00
  6.   @要怎么读?   Talking about the “at” sign is much more interesting if you’re not speaking English. The Wikipedia entry for @ lists names for it in over 50 other languages, many of which are colourful interpretations of its shape – and which, in true ...
    2016.03.15 14:28:00
  7. good outweighs the bad. There are more good than bad. There are so many heroic things that happen every day that we never hear about. Why? Because good people do not need the publicity.”(坏人做恶,好人行善。我相信这个世界总是善多于恶。其实每天都上演着很多英雄...
    2015.09.08 17:29:00
  8. glish on the air”为例,先拟定下列“终点性活动目标”: By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to 1) gain some information about BBC English and CCTV English programs through reading tasks designed by the teachers 2) introduce some English programs broadca...
    2015.10.19 17:01:00
  9. glish on the air”为例,先拟定下列“终点性活动目标”: By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to 1) gain some information about BBC English and CCTV English programs through reading tasks designed by the teachers 2) introduce some English programs broadca...
    2015.10.19 17:01:00