  1. 院都没有这样的优势。 所以,曾经号称西方自由民主制度成为所谓“人类终极制度设计”的美国学者福山1月18日在《外交事务》杂志(Foreign Affairs)上写文章说,今天的美国在很多方面都受到了“制度僵化的制约”(institutional rigidity)。 说到制度僵化,拜登面临的另一个挑战就是选...
    2021.01.24 20:37:00
  2. that Xinjiang-related issues are politicized or hyped with the ill-intention to defame China, said the expert on international affairs. Buzeynep Abulehet performs a dance during an interview with recruiters of a tourism company in Fuhai County, northwest China...
    2020.09.21 10:17:00
  3. rinciple and further clarifies its bottom line, said Zhang Xiaoming, deputy director of the State Council's Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office. 香港回归23年,由于多重因素的阻碍 此前一直没有完成基本法第23条立法 安全漏洞暴露在敌对势力的“炮口”下 乱港分子和国外势力...
    2020.07.04 18:04:00
  4. 表明美国在面对新冠疫情这一人类共同的威胁时,正从事破坏性活动。 据报道,根据由美国国务院全球公共事务局(Bureau of Global Public Affairs)公布的招标文件,美国将提供25万美元的资金,用于奖励撰写有关“俄罗斯在卫生领域的虚假信息报告”的组织。 对此,俄驻美大使馆发表声明...
    2020.05.23 10:40:00
  5. the global cooperation in battling the virus. Christopher Hill, former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, published an article criticizing the US government is brooding about only one thing at the moment - buck-passing. He is right ...
    2020.05.21 13:10:00
  6. e Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs every working day to ask questions about any issue related to the outbreak. A large number of foreign journalists in Wuhan inte...
    2020.05.15 14:42:00
  7. ilure on the Virus》),原文翻译如下: “不管你们怎么看,情况都会变得很糟糕,”1月28日晚,退伍军人事务部(Department of Veterans Affairs)高级医学顾问卡特●梅彻(Carter Mecher)在一封给各政府机构和大学的公共卫生专家的电子邮件中写道,“预期的疫情规模看起来已经让人难以...
    2020.04.14 11:17:00
  8.   Note: The following is a translation of a commentary from the Chinese-language "Commentaries on International Affairs."   On Saturday, China’s President Xi Jinping met with his American counterpart Donald Trump in Argentina. According to the press release...
    2018.12.04 12:36:00
  9. 众。   6月19日,北京航空航天大学。 MSTA大家系列科技讲座第一期在这里举办(MSTA是“重大科技事件”(Major Science and Technology Affairs)的英文缩写)。首期讲座主题是“从东方红一号到载人航天”。戚发轫院士曾经参与研制新中国第一颗人造卫星、第一枚运载火箭、第一艘实验...
    2018.06.20 17:47:55
  10. 胞专家林海帆(Haifan Lin),密歇根州立大学讲席教授、生态学专家刘建国(Jianguo Liu)。   另值得一提的是,美国前总统奥巴马(Barack H. Obama)也当选本年度美国人文与科学院院士。他的名字位于院士名单中“公共事务与公共政策 ”(Public Affairs and Public Policy)部分。...
    2018.04.19 14:48:00
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