  1. eran family are worried about them and hoped they could return to America,but Bethany and her husband decided to stay in Suzhou after a serious consideration. “苏州是我们的家,很多中国朋友对我们来说就像家人一样,他们无私地帮助和支持我们,因此,我们也选择留下来...
    2020.06.09 20:17:00
  2. ntilated. 2. If you are returning to your dwelling in Changzhou from outside of China, please register at your community right after arrival. You will need to report the relevant travel history and residence information. Please follow local government’s guida...
    2020.02.27 17:37:00
  3. ntilated. 2. If you are returning to your dwelling in Changzhou from outside of China, please register at your community right after arrival. You will need to report the relevant travel history and residence information. Please follow local government’s guida...
    2020.02.27 17:37:00
  4. ng to the requirements of the provincial leading group for epidemic prevention and control whose prices are still too high even after implementation of the tax reduction and exemption policy, the provincial special funds for business development shall give cert...
    2020.02.13 17:47:00
  5. 主唱彭磊唱起成名曲《你要跳舞吗》,仿佛打开了全场万人合唱的开关,如潮歌声与阵阵江风,点亮了江岸最美的夜空。现场,该乐队还演唱了《After Party》《艾瑞巴迪》《你都忘了你有多美》等歌曲。   舞台上,乐队们的表演酣畅淋漓;舞台下,乐迷们的热情无与伦比。音乐节上迸发出的...
    2019.11.04 14:40:00
  6. 主唱彭磊唱起成名曲《你要跳舞吗》,仿佛打开了全场万人合唱的开关,如潮歌声与阵阵江风,点亮了江岸最美的夜空。现场,该乐队还演唱了《After Party》《艾瑞巴迪》《你都忘了你有多美》等歌曲。   舞台上,乐队们的表演酣畅淋漓;舞台下,乐迷们的热情无与伦比。音乐节上迸发出的...
    2019.11.04 14:40:00
  7. 与。   顾卿做事特别细致,对接设计宣传手册、商讨修改实训课件、模拟观摩路线……连续10多天,每天加班到凌晨才回家。   “Named after the legend of Hou Yi who shot the sun, Sheyang is located in the central coast of Jiangsu province。”在接待外警过程中,顾卿发挥...
    2019.04.23 11:34:00
  8. 与。   顾卿做事特别细致,对接设计宣传手册、商讨修改实训课件、模拟观摩路线……连续10多天,每天加班到凌晨才回家。   “Named after the legend of Hou Yi who shot the sun, Sheyang is located in the central coast of Jiangsu province。”在接待外警过程中,顾卿发挥...
    2019.04.23 11:34:00
  9. 大的乐趣。我每次给朋友们介绍工作或者介绍新朋友,内心都非常愉快。我心里面觉得这不是一种工作,这是我们朋友之间的互相帮助。”   After six years, Seo has traveled around the province. "It is my greatest pleasure to introduce Daejeon or South Korean people and bus...
    2018.08.31 20:19:00
  10. 岗,就看到了在操场打扫卫生的Doris。虽是初夏,但阳光已经很强烈,Doris脸上的笑容也如阳光一般灿烂。   “I will go out of prison after two days!”她一边用手指比划着,一边很兴奋地告诉张玲。   “Oh,The date is very good。It is the Dragonboat Festival!”   “是...
    2018.07.02 17:10:00