  1. ”。   2010年8月,合山国家矿山公园经过公示后正式获得国土资源部批文,位列第二批33个国家矿山公园的资格名单中。“In August 2010, after the publicity process, Heshan National Mine Park obtained the official document from Ministry of Land and Resources formally.”...
    2017.07.16 07:26:37
  2. Canyon was a blind valley. Because of the influence of the geological movement, the top of the blind valley fell and collapsed. After that, a large skylight was formed. It is surrounded by cliffs and precipices. The views are very magnificent and spectacular.”...
    2017.07.09 07:02:36
  3.   北京时间2017年6月15日,第9届里昂卢米埃尔电影节官网宣布,将本届“卢米埃尔大奖”颁给蜚声国际的著名导演王家卫,并写道“after all, dark glasses are undeniably classy.”(毕竟,墨镜是不可否认的经典),语句幽默,一语双关。电影摄影机之乡里昂迎来它的首位获奖的亚洲...
    2017.06.16 14:47:40
  4. 喜欢,也让大家都很感动。   爱热闹的他们希望宾主尽欢,除了犹如马拉松的婚礼各项环节,就连洞房花烛夜,也是和兄弟团、伴娘团一起在after party狂欢到凌晨3点,忙碌的新娘子之前已经几天几夜没有好好睡觉,大婚的第一个晚上也仅仅睡了3、4个小时,经纪人笑着说道,两人累到根本...
    2017.06.08 00:58:28
  5. 师在意大利拍摄的婚纱照MV,接着重头戏-伴娘群大方献上性感舞蹈,扭腰摆臀,练了三个月成果,把现场气氛炒热到最高潮,结束还有DJ放歌,After Party开始。   安以轩和伴娘团在台上热舞。   婚宴现场安以轩在台上开心跳舞。   胡彦斌献唱   伴娘团热舞把现场气氛带向高潮。 ...
    2017.06.06 19:45:45
  6. yed has completely gone through a big change. I should have bought a house then when I came to Jiangsu 11 years ago or at least after I graduated when I saved some money working part time job.  In terms of the internationalization, it has also developed a lot...
    2017.05.04 09:31:00
  7. 10 Young Volunteers of Jiangsu Province” for his long-term volunteering and act of helping others.   Nihad shared his story after the ceremony of award. He started to devote himself to volunteering in 2013, when the Asian Youth Games (AYG) was held in Nanji...
    2017.05.04 09:28:00
  8. lish in Nanjing.  Some of her family members are also connected to Jiangsu Province. Her son taught in Taizhou city, Jiangsu. After she followed him here in 2015, her brother also came to Jiangsu, teaching art in Suzhou.  Maggie said she didn’t come to Jia...
    2017.05.04 09:25:00
  9.   关之琳与刘嘉玲和好   新浪娱乐讯 据香港媒体报道,关之琳[微博]穿上自家睡衣系列现身慈善晚会,有指早前她跟传不和的刘嘉玲[微博]同场后结伴出席after party,她承认此事:“是呀。(和好了?)都一起喝酒啦,不好围绕这个话题讲20年。(破冰? )不好讲得这么严重。”...
    2017.03.26 01:07:02
  10. 花·生丽莫艺术展,旅行中的发现—摄影展暨分享沙龙,《非遗再设计》展览开幕、卉生活·非遗家市集开市、论坛,Tony&tony's After Show展 ,“倾心,动魄”全新梅赛德斯-奔驰GLC轿跑SUV深圳上市发布会等。欢乐海岸也在O’PLAZA欢乐海岸购物中心举办女王节,联合Absoul、...
    2017.03.18 01:20:26