  1. 支新力量标志着自1995年以来,尤其是2008年全球金融危机后,世界已经发生了变化。 世贸组织改革是必要的,中国支持重振世贸组织活力,以建立一个适应21世纪的开放的多边贸易环境。 本文原文发表在中国日报国际版,原标题为 "To be fit for purpose" 出品:中国日报中国观察智库...
    2024.02.06 19:44:00
  2. Taiwan leader shouldn't be a puppet of US
    2024.02.02 20:57:00
  3. Philippines should not be US' lightning rod
    2024.01.30 17:52:00
  4. 更多兵力。美国急于将日本变成可以在亚太地区干 “脏活”“累活”的打手,以便华盛顿可以将更多力量和注意力转移到其在中东和乌克兰挑起的危机和冲突上。 本文译自《中国日报》1月22日社论 原文标题:Tomahawks show Tokyo willing to be hatchet man 出品:中国日报社论编辑室...
    2024.01.22 16:37:00
  5. 过程中,各级领导干部应采取有效措施,稳定和提升预期,进一步巩固和推进经济回升向好势头。 本文编译自《中国日报》1月18日社论 原标题:Actions must be taken to lift confidence as economy on healthy growth trajectory 出品:中国日报社论编辑室 编译:曹静 编辑:李海鹏...
    2024.01.19 20:24:00
  6. jackets compared to the same period last year. "There are around 200 workers in our workshop. In approximately 10 days, we will be completing 30,000 pairs of ski goggles," said Zhang Daozeng, head of a sports production company in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province....
    2024.01.18 17:35:00
  7. structure of foreign investment, Deloitte China Chair Jiang Ying said in an interview with Xinhua. "China's development cannot be separated from the world, and the world's prosperity also needs China," Jiang said, adding that China has contributed more than...
    2024.01.18 17:34:00
  8. projected to double in the next decade or so. With this demographic shift, a growing preference for quality over quantity will be a powerful catalyst for consumption upgrades. The urbanization rate in China still trails the average of developed countries by...
    2024.01.18 17:33:00
  9. ice and snow economy driven by tourism, which they believe would become a highlight of China's economic recovery. “Elsa would be proud. The fairy-tale castles -- carved completely from ice -- at the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival look...
    2024.01.16 16:54:00
  10. proposals on fostering drivers for growth. "China has an important voice in world affairs, and we do hope that this voice will be used to the best benefits of all parties involved in a year of tensions and international difficulties," Jean-Jacques de Dardel...
    2024.01.16 16:53:00
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