  1. s.com),该网站将作为小记者团活动的主要信息发布平台之一。没能入选小记者团的小学生也可以在该网站注册,成为青奥小记者俱乐部(Show Club)会员,参与一系列丰富多彩的培训、展示和线下活动,为成为正式青奥小记者做好准备。   据了解,青奥小记者团成立之后,参加的首个重...
    2010.06.02 09:53:00
  2. 点,正是莲花学校的学生们开展课外活动的时间。操场上、乒乓室、图书馆,到处活跃着孩子们的身影;书法班、合唱团、空模队、象棋组、英语CLUB……无不展示着莲花学子的风采。每个活动都在老师的精心指导下正常地开展着,快乐洋溢在孩子们的脸上,也定格在了一批客人的镜头里。来自...
    2011.09.10 17:36:00
  3. s involves Mr. Buffett, who provides the voice for his cartoon counterpart in the English-language series “Secret Millionaires Club,” which runs on the AOL Kids Web site. The episodes are each a few minutes in length — enough time, say, for Mr. Buffett and ...
    2011.12.14 10:36:00
  4. crab. Eat and drink to your contentment and you will probably not spend more than the price of a couple of beers at a Shanghai club. If you want to go a bit up-market, just outside the campus’s east gate is the long standing Snowy Pea, a cavernous mini-Versa...
    2011.12.16 16:53:00
  5. ing and 20 office hours, although teachers may be asked to work more if the need arises. These office hours often include "life clubs," which are activity-based lessons, like English corners, that can range from watching a movie to discussing a book to cooking ...
    2011.12.28 09:14:00
  6. main theme of the street involves eating, shopping and entertaining. There are hundreds of shops, restaurants, bars, stores and clubs in old fashioned structures surrounded by colorful signs and neon lights along the street. A Taoism temple, the Xuanmiao Templ...
    2011.12.21 09:35:00
  7. sued by the municipal public security bureau said. Police were attacked when they tried to arrest suspected gang members at the club. They fired warning shots after six policemen were hurt but the thugs were not deterred, the statement said. Police fired more ...
    2012.01.10 14:03:00
  8. following 12 months. The couple in the northern port city of Tianjin tied the knot last May and now hope to join the exclusive club of new parents in the Year of the Dragon, when Chinese population experts are expecting a baby boom. Despite the lack of statis...
    2012.01.23 14:22:00
  9. o be introduced.   Commenting on last year's scandals, Shan confirmed that the Jianfu Palace garden will not become a private club, but will be used for small-scale exhibitions, seminars and news conferences.   The 13 research institutions that are based i...
    2012.02.15 14:06:00
  10. ou want to make it a really special night, why not get into the kitchen yourself to impress your beloved. At City'super Culture Club - the supermarket's own showroom kitchen - chefs offer free cookery courses. From 6 pm to 8 pm tomorrow, chefs at City'super (B...
    2012.02.11 08:33:00

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