您要找的是不是:北京  背景          
  1. 奥筹办工作。 冰雪为媒、长城为桥,再过100天,全球的目光将再度聚焦中国北京,奥林匹克的激情与梦想将再度在奋进的中国点燃。让我们透过BEIJING“预见”冬奥! 重信中国,不负然诺。 100天后,一届简约、安全、精彩的奥运盛会,将如约而至。 一起期待,一起向未来! 总监制丨钱...
    2021.10.28 08:26:00
  2. 吊瓶,一边是不知何物的红色液体,一边是消毒液。 电视里,就职典礼庄严肃穆、演讲慷慨激昂,电视机外,很久未洗的餐具堆积如山,绿植早已枯萎,橱柜和冰箱里空空荡荡,一家人的出路不知在何方。 这,也不过只是洛杉矶一个平淡无奇的夜晚。 北京日报(ID:Beijing_Daily)综合报道...
    2021.08.12 16:30:00
  3. China's sovereignty, security and development interests. Hong Kong had always been an excuse for Washington to put pressure on Beijing during the Trump administration. At the end of June 2020, the Law on Safeguarding National Security in HKSAR was promulgated an...
    2021.08.04 22:11:00
  4. BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Since the new U.S. administration took office, it has not changed the hegemonic behavior of its predecessor on issues related to Hong Kong, having launched at least 13 smear attacks against China on those issues and raved about "standi...
    2021.08.04 22:10:00
  5. nal — the international organization of the proletariat — was founded. On May 4th of that year, more than 3,000 students from Beijing gathered at Tiananmen Square to hold a demonstration. They broke through the obstructions of the reactionary military and assem...
    2021.08.04 21:48:00
  6. dapt at first, but she soon felt comfortable in and attached to her new home. The historical sites that she traveled to, the food she tried and the culture she got to know all fascinated Suzana. The experience made her determined to come back and stay in Beijing....
    2021.07.13 16:10:00
  7. Stephen Perry, Chairman of Britain's 48 Group Club and recipient of China Reform Friendship Medal (File photo) By Zhang Zhou BEIJING, July 2 (Guangming Online) -- The success of the Communist Party of China (CPC) relies closely on the Chinese people, a recipient...
    2021.07.03 14:37:00
  8. teel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people," he said, sparking applause from the audience gathered in the square in central Beijing. 美国消费者新闻与商业频道则表示,这段话展示了中国顶住外国压力的坚定决心(China's firm resolve to stand up to foreign pressure)。...
    2021.07.01 20:57:00
  9. ry is ready to work with China to consolidate and deepen the existing partnership and friendly cooperation between the two countries, and jointly implement the outcomes of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. Source(s): Xinhua News Agency ...
    2021.07.01 12:14:00
  10. “国安法”的主意: Police Deputy Commissioner Oscar Kwok warns residents against testing the “red line” when it comes to the Beijing-imposed national security law. 香港警务处副处长郭荫庶警告市民在国安法上不要试探“红线”。 在预设好的主旨下,不管郭警官说什么,一...
    2021.04.10 14:32:00