  1. 监督体系并不十分有效,在海啸、地震等灾害资金管理的实践中,支出跟踪系统(trackingsystem)的作用越来越重要,其中最为典型的就是DAD系统(development assistance database ),该系统已经在阿富汗、印度尼西亚、马尔代夫等国家和地区广泛使用。   相比之下,我国理论界针对这一问题的系统性...
    2009.05.12 17:29:00
  2. 力”,意即将美国硬软实力结合起来,一体化地运用国家的所有资源为美国的战略目标服务。“3D”则是三个英文单词——Diplomacy(外交)、Development(发展)和Defense(国防)的首字母。   奥巴马表示,无论一个国家有多么强大,仅凭军事手段无法取得成功。因此,新的外交理念的提出源于...
    2009.06.11 11:11:00
  3. 老这么继续的话,可能世界的危机会更严重。那怎么办?就要提高创造附加值的能力,而这依赖于技术进步,特别是R&D(编者著:research and development,意为“研究与开发”)。但我们也遗憾地看到,我们的企业在这方面做得还很不够,技术创新还很薄弱。   我们看一个统计,外国企业在中国申...
    2009.08.21 11:04:00
  4. 界银行.1997年世界发展报告:变革世界中的政府[R]. 北京:中国财政经济出版社,1997111-112.   [3][11]The World Bank. World Development Report 1997:   The State in a Changing World. Beijing: China Financial and Economic   Publishing House,1997.p111-112.   [...
    2009.10.10 11:20:00
  5. 璋,中国运河文化史,山东教育出版社,:430   [6]陈晓梅、秦扬,胜水撷芳(扬州名水),广陵书社,2005(1):89   Canal and the development of Chinese city   -Yangzhou city as example   Abstract:the paper analyzes the relationship between water transport of canal...
    2009.12.30 10:58:00
  6. industry and formed a complete industrial system. Nanjing is an important modern manufacturing base. Besides, the advantage of developing modern service industry is obvious—five big regional service centers have been formed in the field of modern logistics, touris...
    2011.12.12 17:11:00
  7. Wuxi city of Jiangsu province is located in the center of the well-developed Yangtze River Delta in eastern China, adjacent to Lake Tai, with the Grand Canal and the Yangtze River as its neighbour, which granted it the name “Pearl of Lake Tai”. The GDP of Wuxi ha...
    2011.12.12 17:14:00
  8. er.”   Now, though, Xing Xing (pronounced shing shing) wants to be more than an outsource supplier to the film industry, by developing original content for the international market.   One of those efforts involves Mr. Buffett, who provides the voice for his c...
    2011.12.14 10:36:00
  9. le fair, originated from the ceremony of the Avalokitesvara’s birthday, was held on Yunlong Mountain in 1719. It has gradually developed into a grand folk-custom activity integrating commerce, tourism, religion, entertainment, folk arts and become one of the large...
    2011.12.14 10:45:00
  10. w over 100,000 foreigners working and pursuing study in Jiangsu. They have contributed greatly to economic, social and cultural development of our province. In order to enrich their cultural life, Information Office of Jiangsu Provincial Government initiated “Tong L...
    2011.12.14 12:29:00
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