  1. so engaging."   The first Hollywood adaptation of "Pride and Prejudice" was in 1940, but the most popular edition is the 1995 BBC drama starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. The most recent version saw Kiera Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen in the lead role...
    2013.01.29 14:00:00
  2. so engaging."   The first Hollywood adaptation of "Pride and Prejudice" was in 1940, but the most popular edition is the 1995 BBC drama starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. The most recent version saw Kiera Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen in the lead role...
    2013.01.29 14:00:00
  3. layed two amazing titular roles Hugo (2011) and Ender's Game (2013) as well as other significant roles including Mordred in the BBC's Merlin and Norman in Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang.   Asa attends school in London, hangs out with his friends playing foot...
    2013.03.13 10:48:00
  4. 基本要义和旨趣开始。   马克思主义的理论特质和实践旨趣决定了马克思主义在今天必然是多种理论话语的中心。1999年,在英国广播公司(BBC)的“千年思想家”评选中,马克思名列榜首;2005年在BBC的“人类最伟大哲学家”评选中,马克思又位居榜首。这或许就是对马克思主义依然占...
    2013.03.19 08:56:00
  5. 新闻自由终结”   “在卡梅伦当众承认各党派分歧之后,在长达数月的幕后讨论之后,在谈判进行到最后一分钟时”,18日,英国广播公司(BBC)在题为“协议是如何达成”的文章中如此描述这一艰难过程。当天,英国三大主要政党同意建立新机构监管媒体,并于稍晚就该议题进行投票。B...
    2013.03.21 08:30:00
  6. 新闻自由终结”   “在卡梅伦当众承认各党派分歧之后,在长达数月的幕后讨论之后,在谈判进行到最后一分钟时”,18日,英国广播公司(BBC)在题为“协议是如何达成”的文章中如此描述这一艰难过程。当天,英国三大主要政党同意建立新机构监管媒体,并于稍晚就该议题进行投票。B...
    2013.03.21 08:30:00
  7. 这个世界,但他留下了光辉的遗产——以他名字命名的思想体系。百多年来,马克思主义成为全球最有影响的社会思潮。20世纪末英国广播公司(BBC)在全球范围举行的“千年思想家”网上评选,马克思高居榜首。进入新世纪以后,肇始于西方资本主义国家的世界金融和经济危机,在全球再一...
    2013.03.19 08:54:00
  8. 以完全摆脱商业化的影响,真正自由地发展。所谓自由,不过是商业化下的自由而已。即使是不靠广告收入而直接靠电视税生存的英国广播公司(BBC),在激烈的新闻同业竞争中,也必然会在编排新闻时考虑到商业化的因素。   英国的媒体人也不可能孤立于商业化之外。现代媒体在英国出现...
    2013.03.21 08:42:00
  9. 00 hours of TV programs. They include documentaries, TV series and cartoons."   CCTV has unveiled plans to cooperate with the BBC on a documentary about Africa. Organizations in Japan and New Zealand will also help CCTV produce a documentary on the wildlife...
    2013.04.10 10:40:00
  10. 00 hours of TV programs. They include documentaries, TV series and cartoons."   CCTV has unveiled plans to cooperate with the BBC on a documentary about Africa. Organizations in Japan and New Zealand will also help CCTV produce a documentary on the wildlife...
    2013.04.10 10:40:00
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